Friday, August 5, 2011

How to catch you all up to speed....

Well, since the last post... a lot has happened and I will try my best to catch you all up to speed... although I'm sure you've heard about most of it by now!

I think I left off at the beginning of July... July 12 we celebrated our 3 year anniversary and little did I know that it would be my "last" social outing that I would have! It's a good thing we went all out and had a lovely dinner... the restaurant even surprised us with this dessert!

That Thursday, July 14 was my first day back at work and our centering birth class. The certified nurse midwife was concerned about my blood pressure and so she sent me to the hospital to be monitored. Being "monitored" ended up being a three day stay in the hospital. My blood pressure did eventually stabilize with medication and monitored bed rest (lots of laying on my left side). Further test results showed that I was in the mild preeclampsia stage which meant that I would need to be put on bed rest and monitored carefully. Unfortunately, due to being hospitalized, our baby shower was cancelled. However, we did have our friends who were planning it come visit us at the hospital.

Lovely flowers from the fam and of course... my lovely wheelchair (I wasn't allowed to even walk down the hall... although I didn't know and had already taken a short walk!)

SO... our plans of starting the school year and getting the house ready were quickly readjusted as I was now not able to work until the baby was born. The goal given by the doctor was to get us to 37 weeks to allow for the baby to have enough time to fully develop. To get there meant being on bed rest.

Ben and I had to readjust our thinking and Ben ended up taking a lot of the responsibilities that we normally share upon himself (not to mention he was starting the school year). 

The next couple of weeks involved me staying at home, trying to work from home as much as possible and making it twice a week for my NST's (non-stress tests) to monitor the baby's heart rate and movement. Those visits were the highlight of my week! Something to look forward to. We ended up hiring professionals to help us finish the sun room since Ben wasn't able to work on the sunroom while working and pulling double duty at home. 

I did try to take the advice of my brother-in-law (Uncle Dave) who basically suggested that I enjoy being on bed rest... I have the rest of my life to work! SO... thanks to the wonderful librarian at Ben's school, I had a long list of books that I could read. 

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