Monday, June 27, 2011

Nursery Inspiration

We've been talking a lot about our sun room renovation since that seems to be the priority right now. While we've been focused on that I've also been taking some time to think about the nursery. Packing up books, trying to organize what's in the room currently, buying items that we will need for little Blue and trying my hardest to make decisions about the actual nursery. Since we can't really move things around or go buck wild and buy all new furniture, I'm trying to visualize and make do with what we currently have.

If you've noticed any of the boffice pics on the blog you'll see that the room is a light blue and has one accent wall that is a deeper blue. Since we don't have a ton of time to finish the sun room, re-paint the nursery and then set up, we have decided to keep it the light blue that it is (plus I'm not that crazy about tons of pink). While keeping the current color we are going to add in other colors of pinks and greens (Ben insisted that we need to not shun pink from our daughter's life). Still not sure how everything will come together but that is what we're going with right now.

After hours and hours of searching for complimenting fabrics (Ben the "color guy" helped me with this) and not finding fabrics that complimented each other to make my own blanket, I resorted to searching I found a blanket that I liked and when I was getting ready to purchase it, I came across this blanket.

From the same blanket maker but the colors were a little brighter. When I tried to order this one, it was sold out! I was so bummed! So I sent a "conversation" to the seller and she was so kind to make a special order for me since she was able to get a hold of the fabric! Yippee!

Hopefully this blanket will help us bring the room together with some sort of cohesiveness (I know... it's a lot of pressure for one small blanket). BUT we need to start somewhere!

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