Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another Appointment and Baby Shopping... more like Window Shopping!!!!!

We had another appointment today and met another certified nurse midwife. Judy found the heartbeat immediately and it sounds healthy and strong! We will have our second ultrasound scheduled for the next week or so.

We also took advantage of the early evening and headed to the Babies-R-Us closest to our house. WOW!!!!!! Talk about options! Luckily for me... my older sister (Aunt Malia... or also known as "Alexa's mom) has sent us her "everything but the baby" list. She has literally comprised a comprehensive list of everything that we will need for a baby (bottles, type of nursing pillows, strollers, crib sheets)... so very helpful... plus it's nice to hear her own personal experience/opinion. She also sent us her "Baby Bargains" book that she purchased when she was pregnant and that book breaks down what is safe as well as what is the best deal along with a rating system. So... put the list and the book together and we have a pretty good guide as to what items we should be looking at.

We checked out cribs, heights of dressers (to see if our current dresser will be a good height for a changing table), sat on some comfy glider chairs, pushed some strollers around and checked out the maternity wear. Whew! We were exhausted and we didn't even have to make a decision or purchase anything!

1 comment:

  1. Save those lists and books for me one day (in the very very far far future) Jen
