Saturday, March 26, 2011

Our Very First BLOG!!!!

Well, here it is... our very first blog post! I know... I don't even have a Facebook account and yet here I am with a blog! B and I thought this would be a great time to document our adventure seeing as we will be welcoming our first child into the world. That's right! You heard it here first... we are officially starting our family with a little human being. Lorenzo and Moon Doggie have already been a part of our family and as soon as they figure out the change happening we are sure they will be thrilled to have a little human brother or sister.

As we get ready for this new phase in our married life, we are looking forward to sharing with everyone the changes happening... we will be working on the house, turning the boffice (guest bedroom/office) into a little person's room, trying to turn our sun room into a more substantial living place (the new office), living our daily lives and enjoying each memory that is brought to us.

For your enjoyment... our very first picture taken at 7 weeks. When we actually saw the heartbeat it was amazing to see how fast the heartbeat was going! I even commented that it looked like the baby was playing the bongos (even though it was really the heartbeat going so quickly). Prior to that ultrasound, we had actually started calling our little one "blue" due to the fact that at one point he/she was the size of a blueberry. I know... it's not exactly a typical nickname for a baby but it seems to have stuck with us. So... if you were wondering... "blue, "bongo blue"and "bongo" have become our go to nicknames for the wee one.

There will be more to come as we update you on the happenings. Thank you ahead of time for your love and support as we begin this crazy new adventure!

One last thing... "Blue" should be entering the world on September 19... or sometime near that date. 

1 comment:

  1. Tara called this in November...Congrats! BTW the 19th is Tara's birthday!
